...Cake is the answer

Please respect our maids and butlers, along with other guests in the room.
Do not bring drama into the room; don’t ruin everyone’s time.
3,000 kbs limit, anything higher than that we will request you to lower it.
If you choose to AFK (AFK time limit is 20 minutes, Sweets cafe is a chatroom not a parking/afk room.), please give our maids and butlers a heads up on that!
If rules are broken you will be booted out, everyone only gets THREE warnings.
Please do not play any music in the room, unless permission is given by the maids and butlers of Sweets Cafe.
Please do NOT advertise in Sweets Cafe, it's common courtesy to not bring in other business in another room.
Please do not play any voice boxes.
NO PETS , NO BIG WEAPONS, and NO BIG WINGS (Pets have high kbs, big weapons and wings will bring up too much clutter in the room, and also block other people's avatars remove them once entering in the cafe please! But you're welcome to wear mini wings!)
Do not stand inside the kitchen, behind the counter, or behind the cashier stand; they are for employees only.
Please no inappropriate behaviour while in Sweets Cafe, we like to keep things PG 13. If you want explicit chat, then please go into an AP room. (Anything explicit or graphic will make everyone else feel uncomfortable, and will result in a ban.)
Please do not wear EXPLICIT AP products in the cafe.
Remember to keep a positive attitude; the point of Sweets Café is to feel relaxed, and having fun!
Sweets Café Rules for guests: